
“Oh to tell you my story is to tell for the grace that is greater than all my sin; of when justice was served and where mercy wins; of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in.
Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him” -My Story, Big Daddy Weave

Many people claim that they are Christians but, do they really walk with Christ? I am guilty of doing this myself. It was all about the act of looking good but never really being good. I was embarrassed to really show my love for God for the fear of being judged. But, I think the real problem was that I wasn’t fully emerged in Him. Yes, I did want to be a good person and do the right things but something was holding me back. I didn’t want to take the steps necessary to reach Him. I think that now I am finally on the right path and I plan on taking steps every day to get closer and closer. It takes some people a lifetime to reach this point in their lives but I am lucky enough to reach this point now. I am REBORN. 

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  Romans 12:2

Over the years I have neglected God unintentionally. When life was good and I was happy  I would feel no need for Him. It was in times of sorrow and hardships that I would turn to Him. It is only now that I see I should turn to God at all times. This newfound love was brought to light after being in a dark time in my life. This time feels different though. A fire has been lit in my heart and I don’t think it will ever die out, even when life is good. My eyes have been opened and my mind has been changed.

From this point on….

  • I vow to completely pour myself into this new life.
  • I vow to let myself be completely be vulnerable to Him and only Him.
  • I vow to share this light with others.
  • I vow to be open and honest.
  • I vow to not be embarrassed or afraid of judgement.
  • I vow to make this life be about God and not myself.
  • I vow to try to learn to love even more everyday.

I am not saying this is the kind of thing that happens over night. This life is all about the journey and it will definitely be a long one. I will stumble and fall but He will pick me back up. I will never give up on being the person He wants me to be. For so long I have prayed that God would give me the strength to be better and to show me the way. I am so grateful that my prayers have finally been answered.

For those who are waiting for this to happen them, be PATIENT. God will come to you when it is time. You can not force it. You can only have faith that He will take care of it on His own timing. Do not give up hope.

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